Tuesday, October 30, 2018

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave Film Review ( Rolling Stone )  

In this review from the Rolling Stone, Peter Travers talks about how a free black man mistakenly takes a job in Washington but later finds out that he was captured into slavery. "Ancient history?" says Travers, "Only if you believe that freedom has lost its fragility in the modern world." Travers says that people have kind of lost what the real definition of freedom. Since some people have had it for all of their lives, it is taken fro granted. Like Solomon, he took his life of being a free man for granted and when he a free man, then when he became a slave he was shocked and realized that he took his free life for granted. 

Image result for 12 years a slave film


  1. Good quality source just add some of the key points of the article, and good use of direct quote with explanation afterward. Also add the original paragraph that you are paraphrasing from in your post.

  2. Also don't forget to add a hyperlinked caption for your photo. Overall good post tho!
