Friday, October 19, 2018

Paraphrase Practice

Lincoln Movie Review ( )

"Lincoln lacked social polish but he had great intelligence and knowledge of human nature. The hallmark of the man, performed so powerfully by Daniel Day-Lewis in "Lincoln," is calm self-confidence, patience and a willingness to play politics in a realistic way. The film focuses on the final months of Lincoln's life, including the passage of the 13th Amendment ending slavery, the surrender of the Confederacy and his assassination. Rarely has a film attended more carefully to the details of politics." 

My paraphrase of this passage:
Lincoln possessed a large sum of knowledge about the art of interacting with people. Though he may have been a little informal with how he handled politics, he got the job done. The retired English actor, Daniel Day-Lewis, who played Lincoln in this film, reflected many great characteristics of Lincoln such as people skills in both the political world and outside of it. This film carefully depicts the events leading up to end of Lincoln's life which include him pursuing the amendment to abolish slavery, Robert E. Lee agreeing to stop the war, and of course Lincoln being shot in a theater. This is one of a select few films that go deep into the bits and pieces of the political world.


  1. This is really good! All the ideas are there and it is well organized. You might want to mention the name of the actor, and the first sentence is a little confusing.

  2. "Lincoln obtained many things about how interacted with others" -this is a good way to say it but obtained here doesn't make as much sense as knew would also interacted should be to interact. So instead it would make more sense to say "Lincoln possessed a large sum of knowledge about the art of interacting with people, however, he never obtained the ease needed to control his own government in a political manner" Also, including the name of the actor is probably necessary to fully paraphrase so you could do this by saying "retired English actor, Daniel Day-Lewis, who played ...." Add himself after Lincoln to clarify its talking about person not move "of Lincoln himself such as..." overall it sounds rlly good though and i think you included all the major parts needed
