Monday, May 6, 2019

1. Invitation

Guest List: 
1. Colonel Nat Sterling- the man assigned to investigate the case of Karen Walden receiving the Medal of Honor for Combat (movie); he is one of the main reasons why Karen's story was heard and made real
2. Captain Karen Walden- the woman who died in the Gulf War and who received the Medal of Honor for Combat (movie); was the first woman to receive this honor
3. Specialist Ilario- the man who was the medic for Karen's Team when she died (movie); told Sterling the truth about Karen's story
4. Denzel Washington- the actor for Colonel Nat Sterling; he portrayed his character so well, he deserves to come
5. Meg Ryan- the actor for Captain Karen Walden; she portrayed her character so well, she deserves to come
6. Matt Damon- the actor for Specialist Ilario; he portrayed his character so well, he deserves to come
7. George Bush- the President of the United States during the Gulf War; he was the President during this war, he would want to come celebrate
8. Mary Edwards Walker- the first woman to ever receive the Medal of Honor for Combat; the movie is based off of her

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