Monday, May 6, 2019

2. Exhibit

Cover art
Book about Mary Walker Edwards
This is a biography about Mary Walker Edwards. I intend to have this at my party so that people can learn about the woman who they are celebrating.

Ground Troops Helmet
This is an Iraqi grounds troop M80 helmet. I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what the soldiers had to wear during battle.

M16 Rifle Gun
This is an M16 Rifle gun.  I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what Karen Walden used to fight for her life with (and maybe people can try it out for themselves).

Image result for gulf war artifacts
Saudi Arabian War Metal 
This is the Saudi Arabian War Medal.  I intend to have this at my party so that people can see the honor that people are given for fighting in this war.

Iraqi Shirt and Gear
This is an Iraqi Shirt and Gear that was used in the war.  I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what the soldiers had to wear to survive and to show how rough they had it.

105mm Artillery Weapon 
This is a 105mm Artillery Weapon that they used in the Gulf War.  I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what was being shot and shot at soldiers during the war.

Image result for desert storm tank
Gulf War Battle Tank 
This is a tank that they used in the Gulf War. I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what Nat Sterling was using in the Gulf War.

Image result for medic helicopter desert storm
Medic Helicopter 
This is a medic helicopter. I intend to have this at my party so that people can see what Karen Walden and her crew were flying when they saved another crew and then escaped in.

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