Friday, September 21, 2018

5 Civil War Letters

5 Civil War Letters

     The Civil War lasted from 1860-1865 and during all of these years, men in the war wrote to their wives and vice versa. It's crazy to think how these women felt having the love of their lives leave their home to go fight for their country. I don't know how they did it. On top of this, they always found the time to write each other. With the men constantly on the battlefield, I'm not sure how they find the time and energy to write back home, but they always do. These men and women mus really love each other. 


July 15, 1863
William Gaston Lewis writes to his wife Martha Lucenda Pender : The Civil War Day by Day 

     In this letter, Lewis is "safe in Va" after making his way through some war zones. The command of regiment died during one of the invasions so now Lewis is taking over, even though he has never been one to like invasions. He tells her that he misses hearing her "little stories" and tells her to send them directly to Richmond so that he will for sure get the letter and it won't be stolen. He even says himself even though he loves writing her, he hates to waste his energy on it. He then tells her that he thinks of her often and when he's going through hard times, he always thinks of her to get him through them.


March 30, 1865
Edward Porter Alexander to his wife : The Civil War Day by Day 

     In this letter, Alexander writes about how he tries to write his wife every day. He goes on to tell her how much he could have breakfast together and how his heart yearns for her day by day. He goes on and says how even though he hasn't been the best husband, she has been the best wife and that he misses her greatly. He also talks about how he loves the children. He finishes with saying that he thinks there will be another raid soon and that he loves them.


October 6, 1862
Eli Fogleman to his wife Lucy Fogleman : The Civil War Day by Day 

     In this letter, Fogleman first writes about how he is so happy to hear from his wife and Anna. He then talks about all of the work he has done including going 4 miles to cut tops and pull corn on a farm for 2 or 3 weeks. He then writes how he'd like to be doing other jobs such as artillery. He finishes with how he wishes he was there to do things like eat with her and Anna.


December 26, 1861
Elisha Franklin Paxton to his wife Elizabeth Paxton : The Civil War Day by Day

     In this letter, Paxton writes about how he applied for a furlough, but did not get it. He talked about how he was really excited to be spending Christmas with his wife and then wrote that he was really disappointed to find out that he could not. But he said that he would come whenever he could get the opportunity and get cleared to. Lastly, he talks about winter is approaching and the weather will turn bad soon.


September 28, 1861
Elisha Franklin Paxton to his wife Elizabeth Paxton : The Civil War Day by Day 

     In this letter, Paxton writes about how he is responding to his wife's last letter. He starts out by telling her that he got offered a job as Commission as Major. He then talks about how the weather is getting really cold and frosty. Lastly, he ends by saying he needs some sleep and that he will say goodbye.

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