Thursday, September 6, 2018

Civil War Casualties

Civil War Casualties
US History

                                     Image result for A southern refugee family national archives
A Southern Refugee Family : As Union and Confederate armies swept back and forth across northern Virginia and other War zones, civilian population feared for its property and personal security. 

This event is mentioned in Chapter 13 of the text book. This topic occurs on pages 402, 404, 405, 413, 416- 417, 418, 423, & 428.

It is found under the heading "Road to Union Victory, 1864-1865" and the sub-heading "The World the War Made.

This text gave me a rough estimated number of how many people were killed and dead from the Civil War.

I learned that a portion of the Civil War casualties was from slavery when Abraham Lincoln was president.

This blog post is about the casualties of the Civil War (ex. number of deaths during the War).

All of this information is found in the America's History Textbook

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