Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lincoln Questions

Lincoln Questions

President Lincoln: Celebrate President Lincoln's Birthday  

1. Lincoln was "uncompromising" because he would not step back from the 13th Amendment being passed. Thaddeus Stevens was "uncompromising" because he would say that he thinks all men are equal then change it to only under law. They were willing to compromise on the good of the people but they weren't able to compromise on every single thing that Lincoln wanted for the abolishment of slavery.
2. The movie showed how Lincoln was always against slavery, like in the letters, and they showed his emotions towards it like when he slammed his fist down on the table out from running out of patience on getting the last two votes.
3. Lincoln believed that the 13th Amendment was essential because it would end slavery for good, unlike the Emancipation Proclamation. He also told the people that it would "end the War".
4. The film complicated that the South was for slavery and the North against it by having characters from both places voice their opinion on the matter to Lincoln or a Representative.
5. People seemed to resist the end of slavery because they were afraid that the freed slaves would be fired up and rebel against them and take over. The film showed this by a wife and her husband talking to Lincoln about how if the War ended before the vote for the Amendment then they probably would not vote for it but if the War was still going on when the vote came around then they would.

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